Monday, 29 October 2012

Me.. Now and Then

Me 1

Friday, 2012 7 a.m.

Rise and Shine. I open my eyes to the serene morning and turn my gaze to my son sleeping next to me. Last working day of the school for the week. The excitement is bubbling in anticipation of the weekend we have planned ahead of us. We both finish our morning rituals to rush to school. On my drive back, the car radio blared “Tu hi re tere bina main kaise jiyun…. “. Immediately I was pulled back in nostalgia. It was my all time favorite song. It puts a smile on my face thinking how it meant so different some years ago and now. I get the same feeling of togetherness but this time also for my son. Life couldn’t have been better without our son.

Friday, 2005 7 a.m.

Rise and Shine. I cant stop beaming with the thought of the Friday night plan to head to Quilla (My favorite hangout) with my fiancé and some close buddies. I rush to get ready to reach office on time without many rituals to do. As I settle in my corner seat of a regular local heading to my office, I plugged in to my Nokia to listen to my favorite song.. “Tu hi re tere bina main kaise jiyun…. “. I could not just hide my blush thinking about the love of my life. At that point of my life there was nothing I wanted more.

Me 2

Saturday, 2000 8 p.m.

Balmy and Joyous.  All dolled-up for the much awaited house party at my close friend’s place. The mood at the party is in high spirits. In the middle of chattering and laughter, with a sudden gush of wind came a heavy unseasonal downpour. It mesmerized me and I made my way to the terrace to dance in the rain. One by one all my friends were out soaking up. A friend started strumming my all time favorite number, “Tu.. tu hai wahi.. dil ne jisse apna kaha..”.  The mood set was perfect for me to long for my better half, whom I was yet to meet. At that time in my life it was all I wanted.

Saturday, 2012 8 p.m.

Balmy and Joyous. My better half is running a hot shower for my little one. I vaguely browse through my playlist on my ipod and stumble upon .. “Tu.. tu hai wahi.. dil ne jisse apna kaha..” and I know I just have to play this now. I fix it to my home theater and the house rocks to the tune. The magic of the beautiful song made me join them engaging all three of us in an impromptu dance under the shower. The feeling of belonging is overwhelming. Life couldn’t have been better than this.

How life changes, and we all hope it’s for better. Change is inevitable and we should not try to avoid neither surpass it. Everything seems to be right at its time and age. To live every phase of life to the fullest is how we can enjoy it the most and truly experience the phenomenon of growing up!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

BOOKS AFFAIR - An Everlasting Bond

A big deal is made about introducing books to children at a very early age. Say early 3-4 yrs, or even much before that. And why not? Everyone at any given point in time have read or come across benefits of reading books. Especially when the habit is cultivated in early childhood. 
Just when we were thinking of writing this post about books for children we came across a 2-minute read in Mumbai Mirror about how and why it is essential to introduce books to a child. In the article, according to a new research if children are surrounded by books as early as age 4, a part of their brain involved in language and thought develops quicker by 18 or 19. Also access to educational toys, trips to zoo and amusement parks can also help. Alternatively if introduced at the age of eight these books and treats seem to have little impact on the brain, suggesting age four is the critical time in its development. The brain is a kind of "super-sponge," absorbing new information more easily than at other times and developing in major leaps.Especially in first three years of life. So this would be a window of opportunity to introduce books to children to nurture a relationship they would develop in the years to come.
The objective of our post is not to point out the benefits of inculcating the habit of reading, but most importantly WHAT to read especially to a child of such young age.

To start with we can quote an apt saying by Maya Angelou (a famous American author and poet)                                                                    “Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.”

We would like to share our acquaintance with some of the books that our kids of 3 have been enjoying and just can't get enough of them.

The first in the category is the series of books by JuliaDonaldson an English writer. She has a very poetic approach to gripping a child’s attention. The Snail and the Whale, The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s Child, Room on the Broom, Charlie Cook's Favourite Book to name a few are available at major bookstores as well as online. These books are high on vocabulary and rhyming words. This helps them in remembering not just the new words they read but also the story easily. The best part of these books is the level of imagination it takes you to with some small message for the young readers. The illustrations and drawing are very captivating. Believe us, we are constantly in look out for this author’s collection.

Informative Books:
Usborne’s Young Reading includes informative reads like The Story of Cars, The Story of Trains, The Story of Flying provides simple history of these transport vehicles in a very easy to understand language.

Their series of First Encyclopedias of our World, Space etc. for our young readers, answer many of the complicated questions about the world around us in very simple and basic terms.

Their hardbound copy ofIllustrated Bedtime Stories (it’s a collection of stories) make a perfect read before night time of snooze.

We would really appreciate if you can share some authors from your end too, for we believe that one can never have enough of books.

We all want a bright, smart and intelligent child which is why we spend so much time choosing the right schools and making sure teachers are exceeding expectations. But in all the mêlée we as parents forget, that we have the power to boost our children's learning potential simply by making books an integral part of their lives.

Watch out for our Sequel to Books Affair for the Educational Books (not school) for the young readers. 

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Cure from your Kitchen

Today through this blog we would like to share some tips, which you may apply for common ailments before taking your child to the doctor for further treatment.

Common Cold & Cough
  1. Roast turmeric powder in little amount of ghee (You may prepare this and use it upto 15 days). Grind ajwain separately (this also you may store). Mix 1/4th teaspoon of roasted turmeric and 1/4th teaspoon of ground ajwain with honey or water and give this 2-3 times in a day.
  2. 1/4th teaspoon of roasted turmeric mixed with warm cup of milk (sugar may be added as per the child’s requirement). Give once in a day preferably before sleeping.
  3. Extract ½ lemon juice, add a pinch of salt and a pinch of black pepper, to this add 1 teaspoon of warm ghee. Mix it well and give it 2-3 times in a day.
  4. Take 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds and mix it with 200 ml of water. Boil the mixture till it is less than half. Filter and cool it. Give 1 tablespoon of the cooled mixture (honey or sugar may be added) 2-3 times in a day.
  5. Take 2 well-cleaned betel leaves and boil it with 200 ml of water. Boil the mixture till it is less than half. Filter and cool it. Give 2 tablespoon of the cooled mixture (honey or sugar may be added) 2-3 times in a day. You may also add 2 cloves while boiling.
  6. For very young infants who cannot be given any of the above remedies you may prepare this oil for massaging. Take half cup of mustard oil in a heating pan add crushed 1’’ ginger root, 2 teaspoon ajwain and 3-4 crushed garlic cloves. Heat all the ingredients until dark brown. Filter and cool it. Store this in a small bottle. Warm a little portion of this oil and just before going to bed apply it on the chest, throat, behind the ears, and soles of the feet. This should NOT be applied if the child has fever.

Stomach Ailments

  1. Stomachache and loose motions: Take the crushed ginger juice. Dip small piece of cotton in the juice and place it on the navel while the child is sleeping.
  2.  Loose motions for toddlers: mix 1/4th teaspoon of ground fenugreek (methi) seeds with honey or water and give this 2 times in a day.
  3. Stomachache and gas: Mix a pinch of asafetida (hing) in 1 spoon of warm water. Apply this in circular motion around child’s navel.

Minor Burns and Injuries

  1. Burns: The most essential item to be kept at home for burns is Doctor’s Spirit. Pour it over the burn. It has cooling effect. Don’t pour water/cold water over burns for long time. You may also apply toothpaste on the affected area.
  2. Minor cuts: Jatyadi oil (Available at chemist) may be used for healing the minor cuts and bruises. Just apply on the affected area 2-3 times a day. It doesn’t leave any scar on the skin.
  3. For pain in the limbs you may try the massage oil mentioned in point 6 of common cough and cold.
  4. For internal injuries: 1/4th teaspoon of roasted turmeric powder mixed with a cup of warm milk may be given once in a day.

And last but not the least the secret ingredient added to the above remedies for your little ones is an extra dose of kisses, hugs and love. Remember a parents’ touch has highest healing powers.

This is first of our “Cure from your Kitchen” series. We will keep updating more in the coming posts. In case you need any further information on any specific ailment, please feel free to contact us. We will try to share more of our experiences with these home cures.

Disclaimer: Kindly check your child for any allergy to the above-mentioned ingredients. Also don’t try all the remedies at once.

Monday, 15 October 2012


I am just a mom and so I choose to be
For a life full of expectations looks up to me.
I attend a midnight call to soothe him back to sleep;
Just like Doctors do, for a life depends on him.
Italian, Chinese or Continental I learnt to cook
Reading a recipe or a good cook-book
To feed my little one to the best of my ability;
Just like the Chefs do, for fame and humility.
I build tall buildings of lego blocks
And lay out tracks for the trains that never stop;
Just like the Engineers do, to keep the bustling city cheering 'woo-hoo'.
I read out loud making funny face, point my pencil to the end of the page;
Just like the Teachers do, to teach my angel a word or two.
I splash some colours on a canvas grey
To encourage two tiny hands to join in the play;
Just like the Artists do, to express themselves without much ado.
Yes! I am 'just- a- mom' and I proudly choose to be
It's enough for me,
Until I mould the life that has born out of me.
                                                                             (- by Pratima)

A Stay-at-home mom is always plagued by one standard question by all her working peers,

"So what do u do?" " U r just a mom, not working anymore?"

And its from a personal experience I speak. At first I was embarrassed then guilty about not going out to work and pursing my career I worked so hard for. But then as time passed by I realized what I would have missed out on had I joined work soon after my son was born. Just bringing a child to world is not enough, the main “job” starts in actually raising one. Of course I should mention that I had the privilege to choose to be at home, where many don't. But what is so bad about this choice that stay-at-home-moms are so looked down, as idle housewives when it’s the toughest job in the world… not time bound and totally undefined KRAs under High pressure and stress levels.

JUST- A- MOM eh??

Stay-at-home is a choice, just as being a breadwinner; some choose the former, and some latter depending on the priorities and circumstances you are in. In either case nobody should have a right to question the other except yourself for you know what is right for you and your little one. I have made mine and I am not embarrassed neither guilty anymore for I know my talent ain't going anywhere, its just a new dimension to my ambition.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

A Feeling of Repose...

As the alarm clock goes off, I awake startled, oh! It’s the beginning of yet another day. A faint whisper in my ear reminds me, it’s a Saturday… MY SABBATH DAY. I slump back into the bed knowing my chores with my son will be taken care by his DAD. They both get up after some bed wrestling and I am still lazing around.
The weekends are special, for both father and the child. It’s their time to bond. And that’s the way the fathers can get hands on experience about ‘a day in their child’s life!’
Its time for me to catch up with my friends and decide on how I want to spend my day knowing very well my child is in the safest hands. I decide to call my friend Pratima and meet up over a cup of morning coffee at our favorite café.

10:00 am at Moshe’s
-“Hey! How are you this morning?”
-“Never better, what about u”
- “It’s our good old weekend. A time to unwind J
-“I saw a very interesting movie last night, ‘The prestige’, have you seen that? It’s a must watch.”
-“Oh yes, that one was fabulous. I saw it with V. Ah that reminds me. I need to just call and check if the father-son duo are doing alright at home.”
-“ I have just received message from R. Mine are doing great without me around”

10:30 am still at Moshe’s
-“This evening V and Jr. V will be heading to a park, let me know if yours are interested too?”
-“I think that’s a great idea, I will check with them and let you know”
-“These days Jr. V is loving his dad packing his lunch for school. The way Jr. R likes the night milk coming from dad’s hands.”
-“I sometime wonder how beautiful this relationship is. And it feels good to see them bond at this level.”
- “The kind of efforts coming from the dads to be a part of their growing up and not just watching them growing from a distance is appreciable”
-“That’s how you and I can spend some time together. For mothers it’s the umbilical connection but for fathers they have to endeavor to be an inseparable part of their child’s life ”
-“I agree and strongly feel that these efforts should start from the very conception of the child.”
-“Also for the kids, their dad is their first hero. Its very essential for the fathers to act in a manner they want their child to be.”
-“It reminds me of a very nice saying, ‘instead of spending time on telling your child what he should do, we should attempt to do those things ourselves’”
-“Jr. R keeps telling me, that he would like to grow up and be like his dad”
-“Same for Jr. V. And I believe it will be the best thing to happen, if they grow up like their Dads.. Sensitive, Loving and Responsible.”
-“Dear friend did you realize that as always, we come around talking about our kids.”
-“I think motherhood does this to us, whatever and wherever we are, it’s our kids who rule our minds J

11:00 am Heading Home.
At home, I am greeted with the warmest smile from my son. He cries in excitement, “Mumma! Papa and I had so much fun playing with these blocks when you were not here. Come join us”. And soon we all blend again in our daily routine of laughter, cries, demands, kisses, hugs etc etc.